I don't know how tight pants that show off a masculine bulge can be seen as effeminate, when Jesus and the gang were all wearing dresses. Gender bending at its finest!
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
JoinedPosts by Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
Found this little gem about sharing pillows with other brothers in the Insight on the Scriptures book
by jwleaks inbosom position - guests reclined on their left side with a pillow supporting their left elbow, leaving the right arm free.
usually three persons occupied each couch, but there could be as many as five.
the head of each one would be on or near the breast, or bosom, as it were, of the person behind him.
When lacking education makes you say some eternal truths
by paradiseseeker ini think some of us are familiar with those jw facebook pages that post images that are shared by our contacts from time to time.. i don't know if this happens with english speaking jws, but in the case of spanish speaking jws many of those images contain some spelling and grammar mistakes.. but this one is killing me nicely.. .
it literally means: "unless you use your life to serve jehovah, you will never feel empty".. beautiful :').
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
BAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I had to reread twice because of the mangled syntax, but GOSH that WAS beautiful!!!
You hear that, folks? True emptiness comes from serving the WT. #emptiestlifeever
Thanks For being helpful
by Jrjw into the person who reported me to the elders from here - thank you for making me be able to leave the organisation a whole lot easier and sooner than i'd planned.
you did me a huge favour 😊.
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
Wow... what a hero for bravely stalking your online footprints.
I kind of feel sad for this pathetic soul who has nothing else to live for than your personal life. Other than disturbing, it's just heartbreaking.
Hey, buddy. I know you're reading this. On behalf of all of us who have taken control of our lives, it's about time you actually located yours. And no, it's not in @Jrjw's trash can outside, so stop rifling through it, you f*cking mental patient.
"To whom do you belong?"
by stuckinarut2 inprompted by one of our fellow posters- jrjw who started a thread asking how to remove "kingdom melodies" from our head, this song title came to mind!
(sorry for the earworm everyone😉).
it got me thinking.
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
@stuckinarut2 You f*cking started it.
What else is there to the so called "Truth"
by jdash infirst of all, i want to say thanks to all of you guys who gave me advice on my first post.
it really helped and i will try to use all of it.
now, i been doing research on what is false about the jdubs.
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
@Dubstepped Wow.
Just... wow.
I hope you don't mind, but I saved a copy of that final email you sent your mother. It was just so powerful and beautifully written. Thank you so much for sharing it - it means a lot, and it was beyond sincere. I loved it.
9 days to go
by Jrjw in9 days to go until i hand my d'a letter in.
its extremely short, as in one sentence long.
i'm not giving them a reason coz i don't need to coz it's my life and my choice and i don't have to answer to the boe or gb.
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
@PPPS: "In the event of my death, I do not wish to be remembered as having been one of Jehovah's Witnesses.
Was going to add that you do not wish for your children to be proselytized to, but then I remembered you share a child with your ex who is a JW. Did I get that right?
Freedom of information
by NeedToKnow ini’m in australia so i wanted to know if it’s possible to obtain information on the companies that the wbts invests in currently in the us?
is there a legitimate site where this information can be found as i prefer to look it up myself than just go by what other people say.
that would be no different than running my life according the the wt and i’m done with that..
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
Here's one legal document from WTBTS about their investment activity from the New York government Website:
The Boyfriend Pillow! - The Governing Body's worst nightmare!!??
by stuckinarut2 inhttps://www.boyfriendpillow.com.au/.
with all the focus on the new anti-masturbation vide telling all bethelites not to sleep inappropriately with a pillow, surely this has to be the very item that will send the gb into fits of despair?
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
@jwleaks That pillowcase looks a little snugly fit. Must've been designed by those flamin' 'omosexuals.
"No. It's not appropriate, brothers."
I tell you what, though - that pillowcase design is perfect for bed wetters. Super absorbent with a thirsty cotton design. Tony will lap that piss right up.
"To whom do you belong?"
by stuckinarut2 inprompted by one of our fellow posters- jrjw who started a thread asking how to remove "kingdom melodies" from our head, this song title came to mind!
(sorry for the earworm everyone😉).
it got me thinking.
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
Taaaaaake siiiides with Je-hooooovah
Maaaake him your de-liiiiiiiiight
Heeeeeee'll ne-ver forsaaaaake yoouu
Waaaaaaaalk on in his liiiiiiight
Telllll, tell the great tiiiiiii-dings
of freedom and peeaaaccccce...................
Sorry, @stuckinarut2. Just thought I'd return the favor.
Lack of young people in the congregation?
by IAmJustMe inbeen baptized for two years but being in the truth for longer.
one thing i have always noticed is the lack of young people in the congregation.
does anyone feel the same ?.
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
Hey @IAmJustMe. It is true that the organization seems to be holding onto mainly the older generation. This is largely in part to Generations X, Y and beyond having a sharper aptitude for analytical thinking and a wealth of information at their disposal on the World Wide Web. Many of us on here have fearlessly undergone an examination of our faith and have come to the heartbreaking conclusion that the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society is not who it claims to be :(. For these conscientious reasons, we have taken a step back from meetings. This may be a contributing factor to the missing demographic of younger ones you are noticing. We're right here :).